
Efficient Ways to Track and Analyze Your Leads

Struggling hard to track and analyze your leads? Well, you are not alone in facing challenges while tracking and analyzing your leads. As per one of the market reports generated in 2021, 37% of marketers said that generating high-quality leads remained one of the biggest challenges for them.

From initial customer outreach to lead scoring, nurturing, and eventual lead conversion becomes time-consuming and effortful in the lack of adopting the right lead automation tool along with a systematic approach.

Here, understanding the quality of your leads is imperative, if you lack it, you will see yourself struggling to find the right tactic or strategy that can help you generate high-quality leads. To overcome this challenge, there are several efficient ways that you can adopt and implement to drive automated lead management.

Earlier, we enlightened on - “The impact of lead management on your business”. In this blog, we will learn how tracking & analyzing leads is essential and potentially effective ways to track and analyze your leads.

Before we directly jump to lead management software, tool, or strategy, let’s understand the need of tracking and analyzing leads first.

Need of Tracking and Analyzing Leads

To understand the end-to-end journey of your customers, lead tracking and analysis play a crucial role wherein you can perceive your customer behavior, increase lead conversion rates, improve marketing & sales alignment, and maximize your business revenue.

Considering market research wherein “85% of B2B marketers say that their main objective is to generate leads.”

So, you can imagine how focusing on lead tracking and analyses becomes a requisite deal for our business. To satisfy this statement, let’s unfold the unprecedented ways to track and analyze leads.

Ways to Track and Analyze Leads

Google Analytics

Tracking analytics is one of the vital ways to manage leads efficiently and seamlessly. When you leverage Google Analytics to track and analyze your leads, it lets you understand where your visitors come from, how they behave or do on your site, and which keyword is performing better as well as becoming responsible for conversions.

If you are running business ads, it will let you know which ad investment is giving returns. You can even know whether business events or webinars targeted to generate business are giving outputs or not. Considering these stats, you can make strategic decisions, improve your sales and marketing efforts, and ensure maximized lead conversions.

Email Marketing

No one is unaware of email marketing – another way to track and analyze leads that we comprise in this list. Driving email marketing campaigns is considered by almost every B2B business to outreach potential customers, nurture leads, and eventually convert them.

When you connect and interact with customers, you gather versatile data about your customers which can be leveraged to measure lead scoring and track & analyze leads. Often businesses drive email campaigns to acquire customers and generate leads.

However, many B2B marketers leverage email marketing campaigns just to gain customer loyalty and retain them with a long-lasting effect. To support this statement, let’s hear what Gartner says- around 30% of marketers seek email marketing to drive sales and conversions while 20% seek email marketing to gain customer loyalty and advocacy.

And when it comes to tracking & analyzing lead performance and ensuring lead scoring, businesses take recourse to different email marketing tools available in the market. However, using email marketing tools can also affect your budget depending on your user requirement and the volume of the targeted audience.

Social Media Opt-In

Social media can also be a proven way to track and measure your leads. Before you leverage social media opt-in, you need to understand which social platform is helping you to acquire leads and which is not. For instance, if you are running your B2C business, engaging with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. could help you generate leads and obtain anticipated business.

However, in the case of B2B business, you can unearth your right targeted audience on LinkedIn and might be on other social networking platforms. Once you start driving a serious campaign on your appropriate social account, the need of tracking and analyzing the leads gets generated.

As per Gartner’s inclusion, B2B marketers are investing an average of 12.2% of their marketing budgets in social media platforms.

Source: Gartner

Customer Survey

So, the next striking way to track and analyze leads is through Customer Surveys. Seems overwhelming! But it’s the truth. Leveraging Customer Surveys, you can gather customer feedback comprising their needs & preferences, pain areas, and more helping you to improve your product offerings and personalize your customer experience.

Performing customer surveys can equip you with accurate statistical data helping you not merely strengthen your customer relationships but even lead in scoring to analyze your leads' quality and worthiness that drives efficiency and profitability.

To conduct and drive customer surveys, different business leverages different way. For instance, you can either ask your customers to fill in an online form or ensure customer visits. At LionOBytes, we offer a ‘Field Sales & Service’ tool equipped and designed with a Customer Survey module to effectively and efficiently perform customer surveys.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Out of the hundreds of CRMs in the global market, choosing a competent one could be quite a daunting decision for you. However, depending on your core processes, business objectives, and of course the associated budget you determined, you can decide on better CRM with lead management features facilitation.

The more functionality you need for your lead tracking software, you have to increase your budget accordingly. So, before you start, you need to come up with your requirements and budget first.

When we talk about LionO360 Lead Management CRM, our software is highly equipped with end-to-end lead management capabilities helping you track, manage, and analyze your leads. It allows users to automatically send lead-associated email data directly into your LionO360 system.

How Tracking and Analyzing Leads Help Small Businesses?

If you are a small business, you steadily need an extra push to get success and continue your race until you acquire your desired marketplace. In fact, these days many startups invest in tools like lead tracking software for small business units to track, manage, and analyze leads to accelerate growth and level up their scalability.

Leveraging this way, modern businesses devote their full time while improving their operational efficiency instead of struggling with manually tracking and analyzing their leads which could be a time-consuming process and involves additional resources and costing.

How LionOBytes can Help You Build a Powerful System with our Lead Management CRM?

LionOBytes offers a powerful Lead management CRM which enables you to track, manage, and analyze your leads. It allows you to centralize your data, streamline your customer communication, and faster your lead-generation process.

Our lead tracking software for small business hubs equips you with real-time insights into each lead’s behavior distinctively which helps you drive improved lead scoring. Further, it helps to focus more on quality leads ensuring maximized conversions.

LionO360 CRM with lead management facilitation comes with a 14-day trial, greater cost-effectiveness, and post-support ensuring process continuity and efficiency. To avail of more information or to schedule your LionO360 CRM Demo, connect with us, we are here to serve a worthy deal for your business.

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