
Check In Check Out


Simplify and personalize Check-In/Check-Out

Bring transparency, measure workforce performance, and increase operational efficiency with LionO360 Check-in and Check-out facilitation.


Simplify your representatives' check-in and check-out process and track their visits through exact latitude and longitude in real-time.

Validate Field Activity

Steadily monitor and validate field representative visits at the customer location along with customer store address through integrated GPS.

Tracking & Analysis

Sales managers can track executives' visits and pertained field activity as well as can enable their executives to track the same.

LionO360 CRM

Improve Operational Efficiency

Simplify, manage, and drive your check-in and check-out to your customer location with our LionO360 FSM. Strengthen your representatives to seamlessly reach out to customers via phone calls or perform customer location visits following the defined route and efficiently get the prompted questionnaire filled in by customers.

With simplified access to each defined location, empower your sales team to ensure seamless and uninterrupted check-in to and check-out from customer locations. This can help your sales team focus on their field goals instead of struggling with field challenges.

LionO360 CRM

Track & Validate Executive Visit

Enable your field representatives to seamlessly perform check-in and check-out under a defined area range (for instance, within 0.2 miles of the customer location). This can help you validate your executives’ visits by matching their current location with the customer store location through integrated GPS.

You can also track the total time taken by your field representatives during each visit through our LionO360 check-in and check-out module equipped with time spent functionality. Also, allow your executives to correct or update customer addresses if they find them invalid.

Boost Productivity Today with LionO360 CRM

The first complete business management software for small business with CRM, Inventory, Accounting, and much more.

LionO360 CRM

Instant Access to Reports

LionO360 Field Service Management module helps Field Sales managers to track the overall check-in and check-out activities of their field executives as well as demonstrate the same in dashboards/reports & analytics helping them serve improved customer experience while impacting customer retention

Moreover, you can also allow your representatives to track their own visiting history, for instance, total visit counts they performed, when and which locations they visited, and which are yet to be performed.

Automate Your Business with LionO360

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