
Saved Searches


Effortlessly generate custom/dynamic reports

Create and share custom reports across your organization allowing everyone there to make productive decisions quickly.

LionO360 CRM

Generate & Share Custom Reports

Create custom yet dynamic reports easily and share those reports with people in your organization to be leveraged for making smarter decisions quickly and efficiently.

Using the Saved Search module, create and share reports even for those modules that are not available in your regular reports. Using the export feature in LionO360 ERP, these reports can be exported in different available formats to be shared further.

LionO360 CRM

Combine Saved Searches

Combine your multiple saved searches with similar fields to generate combined reports instead of creating and accessing similar types of reports separately. Also, perform grouping data as per your specific need.

With LionO360’s Saved Search functionality, generate more valuable, actionable, and seamless reports to be leveraged across your departments for improved productivity and increased efficiency.

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LionO360 CRM

Share Saved Searches through Workflow

Bring more efficiency by leveraging Workflow Automation in your Saved Searches. In LionO360, create custom reports through saved searches and share the same using Workflow Automation.

These reports can be automated via email alerts to the users whom you want to share reports with.

LionO360 CRM

Add your Saved Searches to the report module

LionO360 ERP allows you to create custom reports using Saved Searches and add these reports to the Reports & Analytics module. Thus, it allows for generating versatile reports that are not even associated with the reports & analytics module.

LionO360 CRM

Quick data through an inside AI bot

LionO360’s Saved Searches AI Chatbot can be leveraged to ask for the required data or information. With quick chat to AI-based Saved Searches bot, users can instantly get their response while eliminating dependency on others, helping to uplift efficiency and reinforce informed decision-making.



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