

7 Early Signs That Your Warehouse is Mismanaged Did you know that $385 billion is spent on warehousing costs every year? There's no doubt that managing a warehouse is an expensive job. When you start to add the cost of fixing mistakes, making up for lost time, and doing damage control, that expense shoots up. The key to bringing costs down is, of course, a well-managed warehouse. When operations are running smoothly and systems are optimized, you can expect the highest profits along with a better, happier environment within the warehouse. That all starts with identifying where you might be going wrong.

Jun 05, 2023


Using Lead Reports to Evaluate Business Performance

Are you able to acquire daily sales updates or what is happening in your lead generation campaign? If not, then this blog is curated for you indeed.

May 31, 2023

Efficient Ways to Track and Analyze Your Leads

Struggling hard to track and analyze your leads? Well, you are not alone in facing challenges while tracking and analyzing your leads. As per one of the market reports generated in 2021, 37% of marketers said that generating high-quality leads remained one of the biggest challenges for them.

May 29, 2023

The Impact of Lead Management on Your Business

Do you know the way you manage your leads defines your campaign success? Dealing with leads, converting them into prospects, and then, nurturing them to ensure conversions, requisites a complete strategic process. Failing can lead to inefficiency. Therefore, businesses these days are adopting Lead Management CRM.

May 25, 2023

Innovative CRM

Innovative Trends & Technologies: Paving the Way for CRM's Future

Embarking to bring resilience across business practices is inevitable to ensure streamlined operations, drive customer agility, and enable workflow automation, which in turn, delivers improved customer experience, supports sales funnel & lead generation, and attains maximized business outcomes. Considering this approach of bringing resilience, continuous adoption of CRM Technology & Solutions is effectively taking place in the market to ensure seamless collaboration among the customers, sales, and marketing departments to drive growth, efficiency, and scalability.

May 23, 2023


7 Tips to get your field team to use your CRM system

The roll-out of any new tech brings change, and change can be met with resistance. In particular, field service management apps that use GPS to confirm a reps’ location may be viewed as unpleasant. Fortunately, you don’t have to grin and bear it and just wait for everyone to get used to it. The following 7 tips will help ease the transition and minimize the growing pains of transitioning to a new app.

Mar 01, 2023

What Is the Future of Mobile Field Service Management?

Imagine if your office didn't have a management team. How your business operates in the field is as important as in-house efficiency. This point is especially true for distribution companies that rely on field agents and techs. Field operations are even more complex than office management. That's why more companies are discovering the latest field service technology.

Feb 22, 2023


What is Inventory Management?

Accurate Inventory Management Systems are critical to keeping your business running efficiently. Whatever your product is, accurate inventory control can make or break an organization. That is why most small businesses employ an ERP (enterprise resource planning) software to track their costs and inventory and plan to reach their demand accordingly.

Mar 03, 2023

The Need for Easy Customizability of your ERP and CRM

The adoption of SaaS (Software as a Service) has changed the way we work. Apps are now custom-built to help us do our jobs better. For every industry, department, function, and person in an organization, there’s some tailored SaaS app available. But are they all tailored enough?

Mar 02, 2023

The Importance of Inventory Management for Business Growth

Are you worried about your business’s growth? It’s not an unwarranted concern. One out of five businesses fails within their first year. If you don’t experience a growth spurt within that year, your establishment will likely fail. One way to keep your business growing is through inventory management. It might be too much for you to handle as a new entrepreneur. However, you can use customizable software to help.

Feb 20, 2023

Coordinated Chaos: How Distribution Inefficiencies Hurt Business Growth

Are you worried about your business’s growth? It’s not an unwarranted concern. One out of five businesses fails within their first year. If you don’t experience a growth spurt within that year, your establishment will likely fail. One way to keep your business growing is through inventory management. It might be too much for you to handle as a new entrepreneur. However, you can use customizable software to help.

Mar 04, 2022


4 Ways to Improve Management in a Post-Pandemic World

At this point, it is perhaps cliché to point out but the pandemic has changed our world. Employers have been tested over and over again. Their employees have too, with many expectations shifting in the process. As the vaccines go out and businesses open, what can management learn? How should the management process evolve for these strange times? That's what we aim to go over today in the hopes of making business smoother for employers and employees alike!

Feb 15, 2023

5 Common Sales & Marketing Mistakes That Failing Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to gaining market-share, companies are relying on marketing and sales teams more than ever in an effort to drive the success (or lack thereof) of a business. Expanding marketing channels, and waves of sales engineering methods have not only created opportunities for growth, but have also been the downfall of failing operations. Here are 5 Common Sales & Marketing Mistakes that failing businesses make and ways to avoid them:

Feb 13, 2023

Feature and Integration Updates of 2020: LionO360

1st Quarter: Prospect, Customer, and Ex-Customer Color Code Visibility: A visibility feature that categorizes existing accounts into three distinct types; Prospect, Customer, and Ex-Customer.

Feb 10, 2023

Growing Pains & Scaling Your Business With Confidence

Businesses in fast growing industries are often associated with innovation, excitement and unbound opportunity, and often face a host of unique challenges that can not only obstruct that innovation but can also restrict growth. In some cases these issues can slowly grind business to a halt. The ability to create demand from a disruptive technology, product or service is hard enough as it is. Once that demand heats up it is often hard to put the “genie back in the bottle”.

Feb 09, 2023

Automate Your Business with LionO360

Begin your free trial today! Complete access; No credit card required.